

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think “Bollywood”?  For me, I think ‘Slumdog Millionaire’. You know, the movie about the boy who grew up in the slums of Mumbai and ends up winning ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?’ – the Indian version.  That is not a wrong way of thinking of Bollywood because the movie is a combination of what Bollywood really is.  It is more well known as part of the Indian film industry.  However, the film industry isn’t always what people are interested in.  It is also very well known for the clothes and accessories, as well as the style of dance.  With the eye-catching, bright colored dresses and the intricate beading – both on the dresses and used as head pieces – it is hard to not pay attention to this growing theme.  As for the dancing, I can’t name one person that I know who has seen ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ and doesn’t know the ending choreography.

See for yourself.

Pussy Riots


First of all, I had no idea what “Pussy Riot” was before I received the assignment to write a blog about it.  I had no idea what to expect when I began to research this topic but what I found were some very strong Russian women that are openly against anything Putin related.  Many know of Vladimir Putin, if not from studying politics around the world, then from watching the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.  One of the main things I watched when researching the Pussy Riot was their interview on the Colbert Report.  Not only are they hilarious, they voice the opinion of most people who are afraid to speak up.  I admire these women for staying strong, sticking “to their guns”, and fighting for what is right.  They talk about how they were first put in jail for “singing fun songs in church”, one of their favorites being “Putin Piss Off”.  Also, they say they were released from jail because the prison guards got fed up with having to report all of their indiscretions to Putin.  The two videos, Part 1 and Part 2, of their interview on the Colbert Report are a must watch, especially if you want to learn the “secret” behind the name “Pussy Riot”.

Pussy Riot on Colbert Report – Part 1

Pussy Riot on Colbert Report – Part 2